Saturday, March 9, 2013

Mostly Julianna - but a little Watsky too.

I'm currently on spring break but, it doesn't really feel like it. While my parents headed to Arizona to do... something? I was given the task of watching Julianna for a full week. Alone. It wouldn't be so bad except that none of my friends in Delaware are on their spring break. There is something very grounding about a seven year old being your only human contact for a week. Let's just say that I'm very excited to go back to school. I went to something called the Leprechaun Games last night which was basically me sitting on some bleachers for two hours while my little sister ran around a gym in a green shirt with a bunch of other seven year olds. I have to admit, it was pretty good people watching. Lots of Cute Dads.

I mentioned a little while ago how desperately I want to go to the George Watsky concert at the TLA. I just have to find someone to go with me. Here's a little vid: 
Pretty great right? ;)

OH and just a weird little story: my friend went on a service trip to Kentucky, where they got lost hiking and didn't get rescued until midnight so I guess... pray for them or something!