Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I'm a brother (and other things)

As a member of Delta Sigma Pi, I am an official Brother of the professional fraternity. Obviously I get a big kick out of this and will tell anyone willing to listen how great it is, "being a frat bro, yo." In all seriousness though, I really love being in the fraternity and was just made the head of the promotional committee which is a good place to start out, especially if I want to become an executive, which I DO.

This past Sunday I went to a Mumford and Sons concert at the Susquehanna Bank Center in Camden, New Jersey. They were amazing, as expected. Beforehand we went a little family restaurant called Jon's on South Street that is actually owned by the family of one of the girls that went with us.

I think seeing Mumford has ignited a little concert flame in me because I've been searching for cheap concerts ever since. I've been thinking about seeing Jukebox the Ghost, a indie band with some pretty catchy little diddies, at Union Transfer (x) or George Watsky, a really clever rapper, at the TLA (x). Hopefully those work out because I've been dying inside ever since I missed Marina and the Diamonds a couple months ago.

Speaking of fun music...

Guilty Pleasure alert: ONE DIRECTION. Do not judge me. It is literally impossible for me to stop. I mean, how could you not love these guys?:

I'm going to end this here because there is no topping that.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

why and oscars

I need to write more and remember more so that's where this blog came from. I haven't kept anything but a tumblr in ages, so we'll see how this goes. I think I've started thinking in short-form due to my excess use of tumblr, so it will be nice to write in paragraphs again. Hi. I'm Sarah. I'm a college sophomore at La Salle University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I like a lot of things including but not limited to quesadillas and Disney films. 

And now I'm going to talk about the Oscars which are coming on the 24th of February. I always liked the Oscars, but it really became A Thing in 2011 when The Social Network was nominated for best picture and Jesse Eisenberg for Best Actor. I was mildly obsessed and ever since then, for the past three Oscars I have tried and failed to watch all the films nominated for Best Picture. So far this year, I've got seven out ten. Technically six out ten since I watched 40 minutes of Lincoln  and gave up because-- and I'm sorry if you really enjoyed this film-- I thought it was awful and boring and omg I just could not sit through it. I still have Argo, Amour, and Zero Dark Thirty left to watch, but from what I've seen so far, I really love Silver Linings Playbook. I might be biased since it was shot in Philly, but I thought Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence worked really well together (they're actually going to be co-starring again in a 2013 film, Serena) and it's the only movie I went back and watched second time. 

What I'm doing for the rest of the day:
watching President Obama Answers America's Questions google hangout at 4:50 
making vegan fajitas for dinner (I gave up meat for Lent) if I can get to the grocery store
watching the new Vampire Diaries at 8